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Fundraise at school

Fundraising events, ideas and tips to get your whole school involved.

Whether it's a non-uniform day, getting creative by making your own collection pots or taking part in one of our events, there are lots of exciting ways you can fundraise for St Helena Hospice and get the whole school involved.

No matter how your school chooses to fundraise, your support will help local people facing incurable illness and bereavement. 

It’s beneficial for all children to have an awareness of the care St Helena Hospice provides locally. A great way to do this is to support the hospice by fundraising. There are many ways schools and children of all ages can get involved and we would be delighted to discuss these opportunities with you.

St Lawrence C of E Primary School students took part in our Christmas campaign last year

Students from St Lawrence Church of England Primary School supported our Christmas Together appeal in 2020.

Some examples of how local schools have been supporting St Helena Hospice...

As well as raising money with a Christmas jumper day in 2020, students from Hamford Primary Academy asked their friends and families to sponsor them to walk 3.23km - the height of Mount Hope, the tallest mountain in British territory - as part of our Hope Together appeal in 2021. 

The school's P.E. lead, Mr Hillier, said “This was a great activity for the children to get involved in, not only were they learning about the UK’s tallest mountain, I could incorporate this into our P.E. lessons to keep them active and healthy. As a school we are always keen to support local charity and show our children the value of supporting the community as they support us!”

St Lawrence Church of England Primary School supported our Christmas appeal in 2020. Students took part in a non-uniform day and the school was decorated with St Helena Hospice paperchains. Pupils gave a donation to have their name written on a paper chain link and at the end of term several links were broken. The students with names on the broken links won a prize. 

Want to get your school involved in fundraising for St Helena Hospice? Contact our fundraising team on 01206 931 468 or by email to

Involve your school in the St Helena Hospice £10 Challenge!

The St Helena Hospice £10 Challenge encourages students to use their entrepreneurial skills to grow a £10 investment into as much money as they can for St Helena Hospice. 

The challenge supports a broad range of subjects particularly maths and English, and also helps students to develop a number of skills including communication, team working, leadership and creativity. All of these help support students in preparing for their next step in education and the world of employment. 

Our £10 challenge is aimed at students in school years 6 and above.

Each year we are amazed by the creative fundraising ideas that emerge; from investing the £10 into ingredients for a cake sale, to turning their existing hobbies into a business – the possibilities are endless.

All that’s left to do is:

  • Sign up - call our fundraising team on 01206 931 468 or send an email to
  • We'll visit to chat to you and the students
  • We'll provide you with the £10 notes (we suggest 6 - 8 teams per school)
  • Start fundraising!

A certificate will be awarded to each team upon completion. 

For more information and to get your school involved please contact our fundraising team on 01206 931 468 or email 

Students at Littlegarth school with a cheque for funds raised from their £10 Challenge

Students from Littlegarth School raised more than £7,000 for St Helena Hospice!

Request a fundraising pack

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