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Coronavirus information

St Helena helps local people face incurable illness and bereavement. As an organisation we are taking reasonable steps to protect those using our services, as well as those working and volunteering at our sites.

Visiting the hospice

(Updated 26th May 2022)

Our visitors are a highly valued part of hospice life and bring great comfort to the patients, but at this difficult time, we are having to make the right decisions to protect our vulnerable patients, the staff caring for them and loved ones who are visiting. 

Visiting information

  • Visiting is permitted between 8am to 8pm each day.
  • We do ask you to limit visits to a maximum of 4 people per patient at any one time.
  • The duration of your visit is not limited however we would ask that you try to minimise the number of times you come and go throughout the day.
  • We ask that no more than one person stays overnight.
  • (Exceptions may be made for patients at the very end of life and minors who wish to visit– please speak to the nurse in charge)

We would ask you to do lateral flow test before your visit to the hospice (tests available to order from, or twice a week if you are visiting regularly. If you have a positive test result you should follow the guidance. If you do not have access to take a lateral flow test before your visit, we have a stock at reception and will ask you to take a test before entering the inpatient unit. 

PLEASE DO NOT VISIT IF YOU HAVE TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 OR ARE DISPLAYING ANY SYMPTOMS (i.e. new persistent cough, high temperature, loss/change of taste/smell). If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 please contact the ward by phone on 01206 845 566 to discuss your situation so we can make any visits safe for yourself, your loved one and other patients.

During your visit

  • You will be asked to use hand sanitiser on arrival and you will be supplied with a face mask to wear. Please wear this throughout your visit. Please wash your hands on leaving the room. You will be advised where to dispose of your mask depending on how you exit the building. Use hand sanitiser after disposing of your mask. 
  • The smoking shelter is for patients only. Please refrain from meeting in this area.
  • The garden and all St Helena grounds at Myland Hall are part of the ward environment and subject to the same rules regarding visiting.

If you wish to speak with a doctor, please let us know in advance of your visit and we will try to arrange this for you.

If you are unable to visit please ask ward staff about other ways to stay in contact e.g. email ( or video calls (iPads are available on the ward for patients' use and staff will be happy to assist).

The safety of all our patients, staff and you is our priority. Therefore, we reserve the right to ask you to leave the premises if you do not adhere to the current guidance.

We thank you for your understanding and co-operation. 

Before visiting, please ensure you are compliant with the latest government guidance.

If you have any questions or concerns please ask to speak to the nurse in charge.

If you have any queries please call the hospice reception on 01206 845 566.

Improvement works at the hospice

Over the next six months we are making some improvements to our environment at the hospice, so the atmosphere may not seem as calm as usual whilst these works are going on, but we will do everything we can to keep disruption to a minimum for those staying with us and visiting. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused. If you are at all concerned about this, please speak to the nurse in charge.

Visiting the memory tree, multi-faith chapel and book of remembrance

Visiting is now open for the purposes of visiting the memory tree, book of remembrance or the multi-faith chapel. You are welcome to visit these any time between 8am - 8pm and do not need to book before you visit. Please be aware you will still be required to wear a face mask and comply with hand hygiene guidance. 

Support St Helena

If you would like to support St Helena and help local people face incurable illness and bereavement, below are some of the ways you can help. We thank you for your kindness and generosity. 

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