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A to Z fundraising ideas

We've put together a handy list of ideas from a to Z to inspire your fundraising.

Ideas and inspiration

(Click on the letter to open a list of ideas)


Auction off your old clothes to raise vital funds for St Helena Hospice.
Take on an abseil - why not have a go at the London Abseil?
Hold an antiques fair
Put on an art exhibition
Organise an arts and crafts sale
Sponsored assault course

Run a baby photo competition and guess who is who
Hold a bake sale
Donate your babysitting fee
Bad hair day
at work or school
Bad tie day at work
Get sponsored to take a baked bean bath
Hold a barn dance
Organise a battle of the bands
Host a BBQ and ask guests to donate for a plate
Organise a beer festival
Hold a bingo night
Run a bonfire night event
Hold a book sale
Have a stall at a boot sale
Take on a bungee jump

Have a cake baking competition
Go carol singing
Organise a car wash
Make and sell Christmas cards or decorations
Have a collection at your local church
Host a coffee morning
Donate your coin collection - you can donate out of tender and foreign currency to St Helena Hospice!
Organise a comedy night
Hold a concert
Give a cooking demo
Organise a craft fair
Take a custard bath


Get sponsored to do a dance marathon
Organise a darts tournament
Hold a dinner party and ask for donations
Organise a disco
Host a dog show
Donate your dog walking fee
Have a dress down day


Organise an Easter egg hunt
Have an egg and spoon race
Hold an egg painting competition
Run an exhibition


Ask for donations for face painting
Have a fancy dress day
Put on a fashion show
Organise a fete
Hold a flower sale
Organise a foam party
Have a football tournament
Host a fun run 

Have a games night
Host a garage sale
Give gardening tips or donate the fee for doing someone's gardening
Host a garden party
Organise a gig
Hold a golf day

Have a Halloween party
Get sponsored for a head shave
Organise a hockey tournament
Have a hopscotch marathon
Hold a horse riding competition


Ask for donations to do ironing
Host an international food evening

Make and sell your own jam
Organise a jazz night
Have a jelly eating competition
Do a job swap day at work
make and sell your own jewellery

Organise a karaoke night
Hold a knitathon 


Give line dancing lessons
Get sponsored to give something up for lent


Hold a magic show
Run a marathon
Give massages for donations

Ask your company to match donations on any of your fundraising
Host a murder mystery night



Guess the name of the teddy competition
Hold a netball tournament
Host a New Year's Eve party
Have a non-uniform day


Do a sponsored obstacle course
Complete odd jobs for your neighbours for donations
Host an Open Garden


Have a paintballing tournament
Make and sell pancakes
Put on a pantomime
Have a party
Organise a pet show


Organise a quiz night


Hold a race night
Organise a raffle
Have a rugby tournament


Organise a singing competition
Do a sponsored silence
Have a street party
Take on a skydive


Organise a talent show
Have a tea party
Hold a teddy bears picnic
Run a tombola
Organise a treasure hunt
Have a tug-of-war competition
Run a tuck shop 


Have an unwanted gifts sale
Run a University Challenge style quiz 


Organise a Valentine's Day ball
Run a valet service
Host a variety day
Hold a vintage car show


Offer a wrapping service 
Do a sponsored walk
Hold a welly wanging competition
Have a wine and cheese party
Organise a wine tasting event


Give xylophone lessons


Organise a yacht race
Hold a yoga class


Have a zany clothes day
Host a Zoom quiz

A bake sale fundraiser
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